Case Studies Seminar

In the Case Studies seminar, internal ETH and external speakers present examples from their own fields of application – from modelling to computer-based problem solving.

Bachelor as well as Master students must attend the Case Studies seminar twice. Beside of attending the scientific talks students are asked to give short presentations (10 minutes) on a published paper out of a list.

If the underlying paper comprises more than 15 pages, two or three
consecutive case studies presentations delivered by different students
can be based on it. Consistency in layout, style, and contents of those
presentations is expected.

In addition, there are student presentations on term papers.


Students have to submit the theme/paper of their presentation till the second Wednesday of the semester.

The student talks will be grouped by subject, so we'll decide the actual dates of the individual talks; the entered date in the form will be regarded only as a whish.  



Each semester a students seminar is organized on 'Case Studies in CSE' (in German: 'Fallstudien in Rechnergestützten Wissenschaften').

The seminar takes place on Thursdays at the ETH Zürich main building from 16.15 to 17:00 and 17.15 to 18.00 (two lessons with a 15 minutes break). The aim is to show the students (Master students and 3d year Bachelor students) an interesting applied problem from the  mathematical modelling to the simulation on the computer. Moreover, the seminar should give the students an impression of what is going on in the CSE business and make them familiar with application areas. The invited talks are given in one room, while the student talks are hold in parallel sessions.

How To Give Strong Technical Presentations (Markus Püschel): slides, course page, other materiials  

Download Old Tips on Presenting a subject/paper (PDF, 12 KB)


Fall Semester            

Spring Semester


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