Selected Alumni

Computers are essential in today's modern business world. Particularly in Research and Development, they play a central role. The Curriculum of Computational Science and Engineering provides an ideal basis for professional data handling and physical simulations. An interdisciplinary team appreciates your broad technical expertise and your ability to merge, evaluate, and present data from various fields in an comprehensive way. I think that the many wide-ranging professional opportunities are a huge advantage of the Curriculum of Computational Science and Engineering.
Martin Müller, Entwicklungsingenieur Sensoren und Sensoranwendungen, Sensirion AG Stäfa

CSE studies fascinates me for its great combination of theory (Mathematics, Computer Science) and applications (Fluid dynamics, Chemistry, and many more). After completing CSE studies with a thesis on railway timetable generation, I decided to put additional focus on optimization algorithms by acquiring a PhD degree in Operations Research. This knowledge allowed me to join a big software project with Swiss railways for optimizing shift plans of locomotive drivers, which again turns out to be a very interesting combination of theory and application.
Dr. Kaspar Schüpbach, Business Analyst at ELCA Informatik AG, Zürich

The CSE program offers a unique opportunity to apply advanced mathematical concepts and abstractions to the real world problems. It builds up a deep understanding of the domain-specific problems and modelling approaches as well as an excellent expertise in computational methods, algorithms and efficient simulation techniques. This combination of acquired skills landed me at a quant job, which I enjoy immensely. I believe RW/CSE program is the best choice for a mathematician, who wants to see the fruits of his work being used in practice.
Dr. Nadzeya Bedziuk, Quantitative Analytics, Leonteq Securities AG, Zürich

For banks, the analysis of risks with mathematical models and numerical simulations has been crucial for a long time. However, the utilised methods need to be enhanced continuously because the circumstances change with time. The degree course CSE has prepared me well for these interdisciplinary demands. In particular, my education helps me with understanding problems, developing models and last but not least, with implementing them.
Silvan Villiger, Vice President, Quantitative Strategist, Credit Suisse

CSE was the ideal choice for my preparation for a modern working environement in developement and research. The interdisciplinary curriculum gives deep insights into different application domains and teaches how to analyse and solve complex problems with the help of numerical simulations. These abilities are highly appreciated in academia as well as in the industry.
Dr. Michael Gloor, Aerodynamics Simulation Engineer, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd

Als Absolvent des Studiengangs RW/CSE bieten sich mir gute Aussichten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Das Studium hat mich zum Experten für numerische Simulationen gemacht, gleichzeitig eröffnete mir der interdisziplinäre Charakter vielfältige Berufsmöglichkeiten. Bei meiner jetzigen Tätigkeit schätze ich besonders die Kombination von technischer und kreativer Herausforderung, die mir bei der Entwicklung von Computeralgorithmen täglich begegnet.
Dr. Christian Sigg, Entwickler von Physik-Simulationen in Computerspielen, NVIDIA Zürich